Cardiff Lipidomics group

Our research uses mass spectrometry to discover and characterise new lipids generated by circulating vascular cells and to gain an understanding of how these lipid mediators regulate immune defence and blood clotting. Recently we showed that human blood platelets generate a large number of oxidized phospholipids several of which help clotting factors in plasma work more effectively. We also uncovered a new role for phospholipases in providing energy to the cell and how lipids in different people respond individually to aspirin.

Our current research is focused on understanding the role of new lipids in vascular inflammation including cardiovascular disease, dementia and wound healing.  Some lipids we discovered are being developed as the basis of new treatments for bleeding excess. In 2016, the Wellcome Trust funded a £1.3M 5 year initiative led by our group jointly with Babraham Institute, Cambridge, and University of California San Diego to fund continuation and further development of LIPID MAPS, the global online database and resource for lipid research.